Let me start off by saying how proud I am of the American government for taking my tax dollars, rolling them up into a tight-wound ball and then flushing them down the toilet right in front of my eyes. What could I be speaking about? How about the Congressional investigation into steroid use in baseball.

This witch hunt that the federal government has decided to spearhead serves what purpose to the everyday citizens in our country.
The correct answer is NONE!

WOW...we can learn that Barry Bonds used performance enhacing drugs. There's a real SHOCKER!!! I couldn't look at a photo of him when he first came into the league and look at him now and see a slight difference in his build. NOPE! I needed Senator "GET MY NAME IN THE RECORD BOOKS" George Mitchell to tell me that.

What do I really care if some multi-millionaire, who happens to play baseball for a living, gets juiced up for work. I don't at all. This makes no difference in my life what so ever! I will wake up and go to work just the same. If some ball player is all juiced up it does not affect the food I eat, how my bills are paid or the cost of a gallon of gas.

What will the real outcome of this investigation be? Well for starters a lot of tax dollars will have been needlessly wasted. Some almost out of the league baseball player gets a slap on the wrist for lying under oath. OOOOHHH!!! Some smuck of a Senator pawns a few book deals (Get your very own copy of "The Mitchell Report" My life as a Senator who investigated steroid use in baseball by George Mitchell next week at Barnes & Noble). Some players names are tarnished but their names remain in the record books (without an asterik I may add). Oops, lets not forget that Bud Selig gets a contract extension.

With all that is happening in this country right now (2 wars, an economy teetering on a recession, global climate change, unemployment on the rise, etc) why is the government wasting its time and U.S. tax dollars investigating steroid use in baseball. I mean in all seriousness – WHO CARES! It doesn't really matter.

As a fan I am disappointed to hear that players I enjoyed watching play ball were cheating. The institution of baseball has been cheapened by this investigation. The 2 people that deserve the blame for the steriod problem in baseball are Donald Fehr and Bud Selig!


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