Pardon me Mrs. Palin

Well here are even more antics from the traveling circus known as Sarah Palin. You have got to the love the Thrilla' from Wasilla! She does not disappoint.


Video of Ron Paul supporters in New Hampshire chasing after that spineless, scumbag, weasel Sean Hannity. Notice all the friendly references to Faux News being chanted in support of a "great" news channel. I love it!

Must See TV!

I saw this documentary today and I must recommend it to anyone and everyone to check out. This documentary is about the war in Iraq and how the politicians in Washington have handcuffed the U.S. military. It also demonstrates how the people running the war, who have little to no military experience and/or background, have cost the military so many soldiers lives and how they sent the country (Iraq) into chaos. I can't recommend it enough. If you see it or have seen it please let me know what you thought.

Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child (Live at Woodstock)


Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing

The Beatles - I Am The Walrus


Sometimes things change, but nothing really changes

It is nice to see the country progressively moving forward in regards to race relations. Thinking back to the Civil Rights movement and now we have elected an African-American President – it truly speaks volumes about how far we as a society have come. But for all the good....there is bad. Thanks Mississippi.
A controversy has erupted at a Mississippi junior high school over allegations that a bus driver and a coach threatened students with punishment for saying Barack Obama's name.

The incidents became public when outraged parents called the studios of WAPT news in Pearl, Miss. Some said their children were threatened by a bus driver with being written up and taken to the principal's office, others that their children were told by a girls' basketball coach they would be suspended.

Reginald Simpson, a student at Pearl Junior High, explained that when students on the bus started saying, "Obama is our president," the bus driver told them she didn't want to hear his name. One kid said, "This is history woman," and according to Simpson, "She pulled over and kicked me and the kid off the bus." They were left waiting at the high school and later taken to their own school.